Chocolate + Zucchini Cake

Chocolate + Zucchini Cake

Posted on Jul 24, 2011 in Art of Cooking | No Comments

I am passionate about cooking and baking, Werner (although one doesn’t see it with his slim figure) appreciates good food and likes to eat. Thus the „Art of Cooking“ is a big topic here at Arthaus 27. It’s summer and we are reaping nature’s bounty. Last Sunday I put up several jars of red currant […]

Kunst im Karrée Recap

Kunst im Karrée Recap

Posted on Jul 18, 2011 in Art happens | No Comments

The Kunst im Karrée exhibition went very well. We attended a party in the evening of Friday, July 8, which gave the artists an opportunity to become acquainted, since during the event everyone was in his or her respective studio. I was one of several artists interviewed by two young women for a local radio […]

Kunst im Karrée

Kunst im Karrée

Posted on Jul 1, 2011 in Art happens | No Comments

I was asked to participate in Kunst im Karrée by our friend Karl, a painter, who saw me wearing one of my chain mail necklaces and spontaneously invited me to join him at this year’s event. This is the eighth year for Kunst im Karrée. It takes place in an area of Munich called Schwabing […]

Workin‘ on the Chain Gang

Workin‘ on the Chain Gang

Posted on Jul 1, 2011 in Inside studios | 2 Comments

I became interested in chain mail in 2008. What fascinates me about this technique is how it shows metal’s flexible, fluid qualities. This is what I try to bring to each piece. My thought in creating this collection was first of all to be contemporary. I also wanted to show extravagance and restraint at the […]

Talkin‘ ‚bout My Guys

Talkin‘ ‚bout My Guys

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 in Tea talk | No Comments

There are three men I need to thank who have helped me tremendously to prepare for my show in Kunst im Karrée: Werner, who has kept me organized and is my best critic and supporter; Mike, who organized this blog for me and has shown me how to enter the blogging world; and Norbert who […]